How To Get Recruited And Secure A Scholarship.
Athletic scholarships are awarded by coaches based on the needs of their program. Our guideline will help you learn how to get recruited and position yourself to receive more scholarship offers.
Here at NextUp, we have helped thousands of athletes secure scholarships to play at the college level, using these exact same methods.

Create A Target List of Schools.
Compile a list of schools that you are interested in attending whilst also keeping in mind your academic level, athletic talent, and school preferences. Being realistic whilst you do this is the key to being successful. Whilst we would all like to play NCAA DI sport, we aren’t all Division I caliber and that’s ok, there is plenty of other high level opportunities. If you aren’t sure get an unbiassed opinion from your coach.
We recommend having around 15 schools to begin with. 10 realistic schools, where you feel you have a realistic chance of playing there, and 5 dream schools, where if all the stars aligned just how you imagine them, this is where you would want to be.
If your target list is too small or unrealistic, your chances of securing a scholarship will be zero.
Make Recruiting You An Easy Process.
Have all of your information in one place, that can be quickly made accessible to college coaches. We recommend having a recruitment profile. This acts as your resume and contains all the information coaches require to quickly make an assessment on whether or not you fit their recruitment needs.

Start Communicating With Coaches.
Now its time to begin reaching out to college coaches. You can do this two different ways, search the school directly and begin compiling email addresses and contact information and reaching out to those coaches directly, or utilize a recruitment platform like ourselves that provides you all of the information so you can quickly reach out. Once you have reached out here is the checklist to follow:
- No response after 1-2 weeks? Call the coach, introduce yourself and express your interest. Being proactive is important.
- Respond to every single coach that emails you and be quick in doing so.
- Research the schools you are speaking to and be ready to answer any questions asked by college coaches.
- Schedule a call with the coach and have a list of questions compiled. DO NOT ask about scholarships.
- Remain open to all levels. ‘Big-timing’ schools just because they aren’t Division I is an easy way to go unsigned.
Know Your Academic Requirements.
- Know the NCAA and NAIA Rules and Regulations and all the rules that apply to you based on your current year of school.
- Know exactly how coaches can contact you and how you can contact coaches. Its important to checkout recruitment calendars.
- Know the Academic Requirements to be Eligible
- Register with the NCAA and NAIA Eligibility Centers to be cleared for athletic scholarships.
- Research which exams you must take and the minimum score requirements.
If you would like to receive assistance with any part of the recruiting process listed above, please use the links below to get in touch with a recruitment advisor.