Should parents talk to college coaches?
Parents play a significant role in the recruiting process. Being supportive is the best thing a parent can do when helping their athlete navigate through college offers, avoid taking the lead in interactions with coaches and encourage your aspiring student-athlete to shine. It’s important to know when to step in and when to let the athlete speak up.
We know how exciting this process is and how proud you must be as a parent, but we advise you take a step back in the early stages of recruiting, avoid calling coaches and speaking on behalf of your athlete at this stage. College coaches are recruiting student-athletes not parents, and first impressions are key.
Coaches want to build a relationship with the potential recruit, get to know them and learn more about their character. The athlete needs to be able to connect on a personal level with the coach. Let the athlete take the reins by sending that first message or email, picking up the phone or introducing themselves at a recruiting event.
You may have some important questions you want to ask; avoiding the questions below on your first interactions with the coach/representative, this can come across as though you are not interested in the program. Your recruitment agency may be able to answer these questions for you.
• Avoid asking questions about scholarships and financial aid
• Avoid bragging about the athlete
• Avoid asking questions about campus life and culture
• Avoid asking questions about the team
• Do not answer the phone for the athlete when the coach calls (be there for support and encouragement, know when it’s your time to step in)
What can I do to help?
expect you to stay silent throughout the entire process. Parents are a huge influence when it comes to choosing the college that is best for their athlete and coaches know this. It’s ok to ask questions, be smart with understanding the recruiting process, do your research on the college and prepare a list of questions.
Here are some questions you may want to ask a coach throughout the process. “what should I ask a college coach”
Do Your Research! Be Supportive! Be Smart!

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